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One Inbox to Rule Them All


One Inbox to Rule Them All

Automattic welcomes Texts.com to the family.

The internet is undefeated in coining new terms to describe our digital lives: hashtag, blog, clickbait, lurk. Somehow, though, the most universal phenomenon of them all doesn’t have a word yet. 

How many times have you lost track of an online conversation, even accidentally ghosting someone because you couldn’t remember where it was happening? Between iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram, Signal, Discord, and others, you’ve probably found yourself swiping between apps on a regular basis just to find your various chat threads. Frankly, with “appnesia” on the rise, we’re amazed we have any friends left.

There may not be an official word for it, but there is an answer: Texts.com. All your messages in a single place—truly the one inbox to rule them all. And today, we’re thrilled to announce that Texts.com is joining the Automattic family.

The best messaging app on the market

Texts.com brings all your chats into a single dashboard: iMessage, Slack, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Messenger, LinkedIn, Signal, Discord, and X, with more services on the way. 

Beyond the unmatched convenience, Texts.com also offers end-to-end encryption, as well as some delightful features that other messaging apps can’t seem to figure out, like scheduling messages to send when your recipient is awake, or the ability to mark as unread on services that still don’t have it. 

And then there’s the bevy of handy keyboard shortcuts, a customizable interface, and even group chat summaries for when you’ve been away for a few hours and come back to 100+ unread messages. No more appnesia, just power and simplicity where you need it most.

Messaging is the future 

In 2005, Automattic started as a publishing platform with WordPress.com; in 2015, the acquisition of WooCommerce added a commerce solution to those publishing tools; 2019’s addition of Tumblr brought a new suite of advertising tools to the company’s bench. Now, with the acquisition of Texts.com, Automattic moves into a fourth market that’s integral to the modern web experience: messaging.

Texts.com founder Kishan Bagaria joins Automattic as the company’s new Head of Messaging; the rest of the fully distributed Texts.com team is staying on and working in earnest to bring the desktop app to mobile devices. 

Get on the waitlist today—and get one step closer to the inbox of your dreams. 

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